Lilac Simple Syrup
Spruce up your iced tea or tea cocktail with this homemade lilac syrup. Sara Kaufman, our tea buyer, forages for lilacs in her backyard and infuses the deeply floral aroma into a homemade simple syrup to add a dose of spring into her beverages.
2 cups water
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups lilac blossoms
Use freshly harvested lilacs and remove all stems, leaving pure blossoms. Shake clean and rinse. In a medium saucepan, bring water to a simmer. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and add lilac blossoms, gently stirring to incorporate. Steep blossoms for 10-15 minutes. Strain and pour into heat-proof glass containers for storage. Date and refrigerate. Should keep from 2 to 3 weeks.
Suggestion: Add 1 oz. of Lilac Simple Syrup to a glass of Exceptional Iced Tea for a sweet and refreshing sipper.